In It Together Group coaching program - 10 weeks - SATURDAYS

Please register directly with In it Together Coaching by clicking here. 

Our In It Together Facilitators are committed to partnering with you to navigate challenges, embrace opportunities, encourage growth and creating a safe welcoming space for all! We came together to support the sudden transition to a COVID-19 world, and we are returning to keep the support going. In a group you benefit from the coaches AND from the other attendees. The rich perspectives are a great source of new ideas, new approaches and also the sense that we are sharing experiences. 
We meet every other week starting April 17th, 2021 on Saturdays (11:00am EDT) for 90 minutes which comprises:
  1. Part 1 – 10 minute introduction to a new tool or technique including wellbeing check-in
  2. Part 2 – 45 – 60 minute small group coaching with dedicated IIT Facilitator exploring topics such as
    • Knowing & using your character strengths – April 13th/17th 2021
    • Seeing character strengths in others – April 27th/May 1st 2021
    • Using your character strengths to lead – May 11th/15th, 2021
    • Using strengths to confront challenges – May 25th/29th, 2021
    • What do I want to focus on next? – June 8th/12th, 2021
  3. Part 3 – 10 minute debrief including wellbeing check-in
  4. Part 4 – Call to action!
Learning objectives
  • Knowing & using your character strengths 
  • Seeing character strengths in others 
  • Using your character strengths to lead 
  • Using character strengths to confront challenges 
  • Plan your next steps
About the speaker
The coaching is led by the project motivator coaches.


Event Details

Event Date 04-17-2021 11:00 am
Event End Date 06-12-2021 12:30 pm
Individual Price Price $200 for NCPMI members, $250 for non-NCPMI members
Location Virtual Meeting – Conferencing details will be distributed prior to the meeting